Whistleblower Channel

Violation of our policies should be reported immediately


TeamTec has a strong reputation and it is of our business interest that any violation of our policies are reported immediately.

TeamTec maintains a global Whistleblower Channel which allows employees, business partners and other relevant stakeholders to anonymously report potentially serious allegations concerning financial crimes, such as bribery or fraud, environmental violations, breaches of competition law human rights violations etc.

If you want to be anonymous, you can fill out the form below - no email, name or ip-address will be tracked using this form.

Whistleblower Report


Certificates for TeamTec BWMS

New class Type Approvals for Senza BWMS

Updated IMO & USCG approvals

Senza BWMS meets another milestone!

Exhibitions in 2024

Find out where you may meet up with us in 2024!